Friday, September 23, 2011

strong shoulders

I must have them and God must feel that I can shoulder a lot.
I was just told I was being laid off for the 4th Qtr.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Richard, looking at your food journal I notice that you are eating a lot of white flour. Bagels, bread, cake and lot's of processed food. I think that if you cut way down on gluten and upped your intake of vegetables and fruit, you would not only lose weight, but feel so much better. Just my 2 cents. Since I have changed my diet and am eating no bread or pasta and no sugar, I am feeling like a new person. I am lean and strong. We as a country eat too many grains too and I think we are healthier when we cut back on that too. Just my 2 cents! Enjoy your blog!
