Wednesday, June 6, 2012

heart rate and acupuncture

Ever since my acupuncture session on Monday, my resting heart rate has been a steady 20 beats below 100. I need to look at these victories and stay a course. Weighed in this morning and I have lost 6 lbs of poison this week. I say poison because I know that I can not loose 6lbs of fat in like 3 days. My shoulder has seemed to get better as well, not healed but not excruciating sore with every movement. I have forgotten to take my plaquenil the past few days and my body does seem pretty angry, I have to make sure that I am taking those. I also need to lay out a Yoga and PT program for my right hip pretty tender and sore I still think that I have a muscle imbalance and my right leg is turning outward, if I force my right foot t be held in a more forward facing position that is when it really get sore. Time to work on building those muscle sets and stretching and icing them as well.

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