Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Last night into this morning

Last night I had considerable amount of yuck going on tremors, head was bobbing, headache and then my hip and knee started feel like hell. OS I decided to take some prescription pain meds to deal with it, they were not touching it, so I took a few more just to get me through the night.... well the fail here was I could not sleep last night overly anxious about it all, tried some deep breathing and meditation i was not able to so instead looking at this more disastrous I took a anxiety tablet, that smoothed out my feelings pretty quickly.

Now this morning has been a rough one just because of being up late.everything is in full swing today and I kind of hope that it happens for tomorrow when I am at the Rheum. I got up from the couch this morning and got pretty dizzy at first and then as I started to walk and I started to see pink flashes in the carpet. Only for a few moments and they went away.... but i saw them. reading was quite hard last night as well.
THis book I started called Prickl Cactus I think is going to be a good one.

I have put a request in through my Friend network for some Marijuana to try and ease some pain at night.. i will see if this works or not... it is highly touted as a medication in Cancer therapy.


  1. Do you live in a medically necessary marijuana state? Good luck with that. The only time I ever smoked it, I got horribly violent. I've been assured that I just didn't do enough.

  2. Kate, this state it is not legal. My remeberences from highschool and beyond are calm and hungry
