Tuesday, August 2, 2011

trying to pin the tail on the donkey

a lot of pain again recently more than usual or atleast more extreme than usual. my right hip seems to burn from both out side and in the groin, but not all the time and not both places at the same time either. also knee so bad that i just would rather have them remove my leg at the hip and be an amputee, i really think it would be of less pain in the long run at this point. I am getting really bad tendonitis in the IT band and I am not doing shit to cause it!!!  My ankles and and knee some times hurt so bad that it hurts to push on the gas pedal. So what is the change????? I do not know for a fact. I do know that I have begun tapering my Methotrexate down last week and again this evening, so maybe that is the thing.... dont know!?

I hope to find my trigger or at least have it magically disappear, I am taking to many pain pills just to survive and still be in pain. :(

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